Fishing holidays in SalzburgerLand

Our Fishing Waters

TheTaurach and Tauernkarsee just for fly fishers

The Tauern are the most dominating mountain range in Salzburg. The Niedere Tauern are a diverse and substantially untouched alpine world. Here with us, experiencing and enjoying nature whilst fishing plays a very special role.

The "Taurach"

Are still-young fishing waters, a trout stream extending for a length of 18 km. It begins at the "Johanneswasserfall", a waterfall 4 km north of Obertauern, and stretches until just before Radstadt.

With a width of 6 to 13 meters, it is easy to cross in some parts, and very difficult in others. It runs through a mountainous and forested area with quiet pathways and trails.


The "Tauernkarsee"

is a clear, 4 ha mountain lake located on our own private area of alpine pastures at 1695 m above sea level.

It is easy to reach by car, just 8.5 km from the hotel.
Ideal for fly fishers.

3 rowing boats are available for you to use at no charge.


The "Fürstenbrunn" fishing ponds

Aside from our own private wildlife park (300 m from the hotel), we also have 11,000 m² of water divided between 2 ponds.

It is here that we raise the fish - in different phases of their development - used to stock our fishing waters. One pond has boats available, a perfect place for beginners, inexperienced anglers and children to go fishing.


Article about our fishing waters in "Fisch & Fliege" magazine

Bernd Geier reported in this fly-fishing magazine about his time and experiences on the Taurach and Tauernkarsee.

read it yourself... (.pdf, 3.85 MB)

Magazine "Fisch & Fliege"

Kohlmayr family | Dorfstraße 22, A-5561 Untertauern | +43 6455 238, nfkhlmyrcm

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