"Catch & Release" in the Taurach (Johannesfall to Wildparkbrücke) and the Tauernkarsee.
Maximum daily take: 1 fish per fisherman per day.
only with one fly rod, dry fly, wet fly and nymphs,
single hook (unbarbed)
From the start of the fishing area next to the Johannes Waterfall as far as “Sportplatzbrücke” bridge, only
“catch & release” fishing is permitted;
Bait restriction for this same area: wet-, dry fly & nymphs.
In the remaining area, also fishing with streamers is permitted
Permissed bait: wet-, dry fly & nymphs
Fishing with gold hooks, trebles and doubles is prohibited!
fishing is no longer permitted!
Dear Angling Fans,
It's hard to imagine anything more delicious than a freshly caught fish you have landed yourself out of the River Taurach or Tauernkarsee Lake. We are committed to preserving the mainly natural trout population of our waters. That's why we ask you to only keep trout, carp etc. that you have caught in our pond to enjoy at home.
Thank you for your cooperation and your support!
Yours, the Kohlmayr Family
Kohlmayr family
Dorfstraße 22
A-5561 Untertauern
+43 6455 238
Kohlmayr family | Dorfstraße 22, A-5561 Untertauern | +43 6455 238, nfkhlmyrcm